From industrial to informational era, the thing which grabs the attention of human race is innovation and manufacturing of new or existing products. But, the main point of concern for every business is that whether their product is capable enough to pursue a consumer for potential purchase? It’s a matter of fact that answer will not be in favor of a company because now a day’s product itself is not able to sell itself but it’s marketing, branding, and most importantly the packaging which force the buyers to decide which product they are going to purchase.
Packaging does not only enclose and carry the product from maker to the store and after that to the consumer, but it is actually one of the most effective and successful tool for marketing of products. Many researches show that the packaging is the most important factor and has a considerable impact on the final decision of customers for a potential purchase.
For customers’ satisfaction, the product quality and price are the most vital elements, but after vigilant studies we came to this conclusion that customer buy a product without any knowledge about it solely on the basis of packaging. We’ll become bolt from the blue after knowing that there are 64% customers who used to purchase goods without having any awareness of it. It is a natural observable fact that if we put two packs of any product in front of consumers with one product is completely wrapped in an attractive packaging while other is without colorful packaging; the consumer will stare only that product which is covered with eye catching packaging and those numbers of consumers are 64% which is more than a half.
According to researchers, it only takes about 7 seconds to make a resulting judgment for a potential purchase based on a packaging. The impact of packaging on consumers is considered as intuitive. That is why an eye catching packaging generates more purchases and transactions than online evaluation or analysis, TV Ads, and commendation from family and friends. Whatever brand you have, it is packaging which represents your product and brand. Moreover, packaging also represents the brand’s assurance to bring a valuable experience.
Alluring packaging is unquestionably a perfect example of ‘First impression Matters’ which edify us also that how packaging drives purchases. Other than packaging solutions, many other mediums are also a source of product marketing like TV Ads, online assessment, and recommendations from folks and associates. But researchers showed us a different picture in which they notified us that packaging generates purchases up to 37% more, while with the help of TV Ads this ratio is only 27%. If we look at other sides also like online reviews then we’ll come to know that the ratio of generating sales is 31%; same as the ratio of recommendations from folks. It means effective or useful product packaging help out the customers swiftly in finding the brand or a particular product, which ultimately make their verdicts more rapidly and gentler.
Significance of Product Branding and Packaging
Once the customers procure merchandise off the shelf, the level of contentment decreases quickly as they bring the product to home for the purpose of storage or usage. To maintain the level of satisfaction along with customer retention and repeat purchases, branding is the only best possible solution available in a market. Branding generates more customer satisfaction directly associated with the product, repeat purchases, product awareness, and less consideration towards other brands. Many researchers recommended that 12% customers are satisfied with the product only because of branding while packaging satisfied almost 10% of the consumers. In reality, this gap is not that big to shift totally towards branding or packaging.
A combination of branding and packaging makes our product out of the box, which sooner or later builds a bond between customer and product. Branding is actually a way to inform and educate the customers about your products; and let them know about your business, its ethics and objectives. Packaging has a strong relation with branding because the objectives of branding can easily be attainable through smart and elegant packaging. Here are few plus points of branding and packaging combination:
Therefore, the packaging is so critical and decisive not only for the sale purposes but also for the safety of goods. Both packaging and branding brings not only the awareness but a much needed success to your business.
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